Pretty pictures and some rap

Pretty pictures and some rap

By Isha

Recently the Viper team gave our very first presentation as a group. We presented our project proposal to Dr. Fels and our TA, Pooneh. I have a strong distaste for boring slides and unusual liking towards doodling. So I experimented with using the Paper app to draw out my slides. Here are some of the slides we used:

image image image image
Slides made with Paper.

The app is nifty and really fun to play around with. I have used it in the past to sketchnote recipes, but drawing out presentation slides worked out well. Especially when used in combination with a presentation software, to move around the images drawn on Paper and add other photos or videos. I have the Pencil stylus for it, so I was able to use all the tools that it offers - fountain pen, pencil, pen, marker, water colour for free!

I also tried out Fiverr for the first time! rapper_man did this sweet 30 second rap for the project:

Viper, video performance system  
If y’all didn’t know before, y’all better listen  
Apply great processing to your image  
Or your video, a touch of hue, let’s go  
Add some contrast, control it wit’ ya phone  
Make a masterpiece wit’ ya friends, now let’s roll  
And make MAGIC, you gotta have it  
For the UBC Laptop Orchestra, let’s go  
Yea, Joey, Jun, Isha and Anupam  
Badass coding, they got it goin’ on  
That’s Viper   

23 days until showtime.