Using emoji to identify your iTerm tabs

By Isha

I have a thing for colorful terminals. .

I’ve been getting annoyed by the sheer number of open tabs on my terminal and how I have to cycle through them at least once to find one that I want. So I decided to display a random emoji in every tab title to visually remember which ones which.

This is how it looks now:

To achieve similar results add the following to the bottom of your .zshrc:

emoji=("💩 " "👼 " "💋 " "🌺 " "♻️ " "🔞 " "👠 " "💾 " "🇮🇳 " "⛵️ " "🚀 " "🎄 " "🎃 " "🍺 " "🐙 ")

precmd() {
echo -ne "\e]1;$emoji[$TAB_TITLE_EMOJI_INDEX] ${PWD##*/}\a"

The snippet above is creating an array emoji with all the possible selections for your random emoji. You can edit this line and add your own emoji. On OSX Yosemite, you can press Ctrl + Command + Space to choose which ones you want.

The TAB_TITLE_EMOJI_INDEX variable is initialized to a random number for every new session and we use this to retrieve an emoji from our list. The precmd method is called before running any command on the terminal. I use this because I want to display the current directory in the title as well. If you only want to display the emoji, you can replace the entire precmd block with just this:

echo -ne "\e]1;$emoji[$TAB_TITLE_EMOJI_INDEX]\a"

If you are using Oh My Zsh you may also need to disable the auto title setting in your .zshrc:

# Uncomment the following line to disable auto-setting terminal title.