Capstone Design Celebration

By Isha

I made a thing!

Today was the UBC ECE Capstone Design Celebration. I talked about my capstone project last a few months ago. December 20th to be precise. A lot has changed since then, including the entire architecture of my project.

In the beginning of this year, we conducted surveys amongst the UBCLO members and also met with Keith, Bob and Sid to talk about the direction of the project and to get feedback. We found that performance was a major roadblock that prevented performers to use Viper confidently. Initially we built the Viper system using Processing language considering the short time to prototype and familiarity of all team mebers with Java. However, this project had serious performance issues and overall was painful to use. We then rebuilt the system using Quartz Composer leaving the Processing project entirely.

Here is my teams Capstone Poster that I made a couple days ago:

Viper Technical Poster

One of the best things about the Design Celebration was looking at other students projects. We had over 80 projects this year and these included software, computer, biomedical and electrical projects. One of my friends also collaborated with a mechanical engineering student group to repair Science World’s Pneumatic Man.

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Jonathan and Mackenzie at their booths.